Esalen-Massage+ by Ashema

Welcome to be touched

Ashema WierowskiThe strength of my work as a massage therapist is, on the one hand, in my presence while I massage. I listen to my own body as well as to the body of the client, paying attention to their respiration and reacting to small movements or soft exhalations. On the other hand, at the beginning of a massage session, I ask about the client’s physical and emotional well-being and, with that information and my intuition, work to uncover unconscious tensions, to expose jammed emotions, or to evoke forgotten images.

Since July 2007 I have my own massage practice in Berlin-Kreuzberg. Education:

  • 2004: Education in Esalen-Massage in Bali/Indonesia
  • 2005–2007: In residence at the Esalen Institute in California, USA to
    further training in the Esalen massage as well as training in shiatsu, Thai massage, and Reiki
  • 2010–2013: Training in Somatic Integration – deep connective tissue work
  • 2016: Craniosacral Therapy 3 with the Upledger Institut Deutschland

  • 2020: Online training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Achology Ltd./Udemy

  • 2021: Online training in Life Coaching with Achology Ltd./Udemy


I offer various massages to meet the needs and scheduling of my clients. Details about the individual massages can be found on the page “Offers”.


Massage appointments are possible from Monday to Friday afternoons and evenings as well as weekends. Appointments taken via phone at 030 – 674 696 50 or via email to Book your massage today!